16 January 2011
Many Gratitudes to those who are my readers
Hey Peeps,

I may be addressing an empty audience (that's how I feel all the time when I write in my blog), but I would still like to thank the peoples that actually take a minute out of your time to read those mundane posts and leave a comments. Those comments really made my day. You guys, have no idea how your comments are actually making me feel. I feel touched, warm and fuzzy inside when I read your comments.


But a few questions keep running inside my head when I read the comments. That is, how did you all come about my blog, how did you all feel when you read those posts, how does it speaks to you, and are you all going through similar happenings?

Mind sharing? I don't mind reading lengthy posts!




It's the start of a New Year. And thank you very much for the well wishes and loves, but all these comes with disappointment also.

Not to mention my many thanks to this certain Gentleman who has successfully turned my life upside down with this certain Lady.

I have no idea how to penned out my hatred for these 2 persons. They are the worst persons that I've ever seen in my entire life. When I hear of their news and such, or even when I see them, I feel so disgusted by them. I feel like puking out my last meal even when I'm writing this. They are the worse, worst than any murderer, and criminal convicts. The hatred is so deep that I can dream of killing them, so deep that I can watch gross movies and I don't feel a single shit, just hope that they are the ones who have to go through with the 'lessons' a.k.a 'trap'.

Anyway, away with those bad feelings, I have good news for all of you out there who are reading. I've got a job. Yes, after 2 fucking wasted years and effort in trying to fulfill every single whim and shit that this certain Gentleman throws at me, which, I, only know about this 2 months back. It's a fucking joke!

Hey bitach, if you're reading this, you can go tell your adulterer that I AM FUCKING THE BOTH OF YOU HERE! RIGHT HERE, YES, IN MY BLOG!

(Watch where you're going slut, I am keeping a close eye on the 2 of you. And may you burn forever in hell together when you all die!)


my fairytale
Bienvenida! Hi, this is a blog regarding my life. If you ain't happy with what you're seeing, Please feel free to click on the 'x' button at the top right hand corner of your screen. And please refrain from dissing. Other than these, Please enjoy your stay here! =)

Queen Sammi
Complicated with a touch of Simplicity
